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I'm Sent

Jan 20, 2016

Many have heard the statistics about global lostness, but when you are surrounded by thousands of people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, those statistics become much more sobering as you replace numbers with faces and names. And those faces make the task of evangelism much more personal and urgent. 

This is the impact Tremayne Manson’s short-term trip to China in April had on his life. After his small group leader, Matt Clark, persistently challenged the group to join him on the trip, Tremayne committed to go. His team partnered with IMB missionaries and served them mainly through evangelism in their city.

As he stood among the lost in that Chinese city, Tremayne was struck by the vast need for workers to tell them about the Good News and asked, “God, who is going to tell these people about you after I’m gone?” 

Your next step might be to go on an international mission trip like Tremayne, or God may be calling you to serve here in our own neighborhoods. Don’t miss Missions Night on Tuesday, Feb. 2 at the Brier Creek campus, where you can find opportunities for next steps through local ministries, national church planters, and around 20 international agencies. Whether you are a business professional, student, stay-at-home parent, or retiree, Missions Night: I’m Sent provides that tangible next step in living the gospel out at home and abroad.