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Why I Want to Memorize Scripture

May 29, 2016

Today in our "Stories Worth Sharing" campaign, we hear from Eric Frost (musician, husband to Shyana, and all­American hero). Here is what he has to say:

“Sing to the Lord, bless His name; tell of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples!” –Psalm 96:2­3

A few months ago I made a goal to memorize all of Psalm 96. If it’s biblical to have God’s word treasured in my heart (Psalm 119:11), then memorizing scripture just makes sense. Now, Psalm 96 is a regular part of my day. I walk around repeating it to myself and praying it randomly. Although, I think particularly about verses 2­3 above when it comes to our corporate worship week after week.

These verses are a great constant reminder about how little our time together is about myself. In this chapter, we’re commanded to bless His name, not my own. Tell of His salvation, not my abilities. Declare His glory, not mine. His marvelous works, definitely...not mine. But take a moment and think about being at Summit on Sunday a.m., who are all those lights pointed at? Who’s standing on the stage 3 to 4 feet above everyone? Who is the audience watching? Once any nerves from being on stage are gone and you get used to how it feels, it can be a dangerous fanciful place to stand multiple times a week. I’ll inevitably want my name to be known, my glory in comments, etc... Music is awesome and playing it even more so but if I’m not keeping God’s word and my private worship in check through out the week, it will absolutely affect my heart and corporate worship while we’re together.

Not only are these verses a great reminder, they’re also wonderful imperatives. My neighbor’s need Jesus. Family members that suffer miscarriages need to hear of His marvelous works. The great commission isn’t a great suggestion with the nations. We’re commanded to go, speak up and yes, sing! Now, using musical instruments does play a part of these imperatives but when I talk to a co-worker about the Holy Spirit, it just flat out seems to trump how the drums or my guitar sounds. Always. Feels like there’s too much “me” time going on with a guitar anyways. Regardless, if God’s word isn’t a daily treasure, I’ll end up caring inordinately more about decibels and tone instead of someone’s soul.

I’d encourage you to memorize scripture if you don’t actively do it. Start with Psalm 96, its only 13 verses! God’s word will literally come alive as you retain it and hide it deep in your heart. He promised it will not return void, so just go for it. It’s honestly a blessing and a wild ride to help sing and declare His glory with all of you throughout the weeks.

-Eric Frost

Photo: Sara Davis Photography