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5 Things Money Cannot Do for You

Jun 24, 2017

What would you do if you won the lottery? At some point, your friends have asked you that very question. And as you answer the hypothetical question, you list off all the things you would do and all the things you would not do.

Money can do a lot for a person. But it has its limits. Yet, many of us place too much hope in what money can do for our lives. Instead of dreaming about what more money could do for us, let’s look at five things that money cannot do for you.

  1. Money cannot give you a good marriage. Certainly, financial difficulties can lead to marital stress. It is one of leading reasons divorced couples cite for their separation. But sound financial footing does not guarantee a sound marriage. A large bank account is no substitute for sacrificial, selfless love for one another.

  1. Money cannot give your kids a better life. Many parents want to give their kid the life that they never had as a child. Look, it is good to want good things for your child. But no amount of stuff or experiences can provide what a child really needs—the knowledge that their parents, and more importantly, their God loves them. Spend time with your kids. Tell them you are proud of them. Tell them you love them. And tell them of the God who cares about them more than you ever could.

  1. Money cannot give you real satisfaction. Thinking that money, or the things money can buy, will bring deep satisfaction is a lie for which too many have fallen. It just leads a person on a never-ending, never-satisfying chase. It is only God who can provide the real satisfaction we desire. Yet, at some point, all of us do the unfathomable—trade an eternal, always-satisfying God for a flimsy, 2.61 inches high, 6.14 inches wide, green piece of paper.

  1. Money cannot make you generous. Generosity is not a result of wealth. It is a result of sacrifice. In God’s economy, amount sacrificed always supersedes amount given. Want to know some characteristics of generous people? Check out the post, “6 Characteristics of a Generous Person.”

  1. Money cannot get you to the point where you can focus on your spiritual life. If anything, the Bible tells us that those who are wealthier have more difficulty submitting their lives to God. If you are waiting to make a few more dollars before you focus on your spiritual life, you are walking down a dangerous path. Do not wait to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

    Written by Art Rainer, member of the Summit Stewardship and Generosity Ministry Leadership Team.

    The Summit offers a variety of stewardship classes to help equip you to become a faithful steward.

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