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Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Jul 10, 2015

“I don’t know how to raise money.”
“I can’t take time away from my family.”
“Short-term trips don’t matter for the gospel.”

These are among the reasons many give for not going on a short-term mission trip.

Cary-campus member Georgeanna Wiest dispelled these fears and myths when she led six women, yes, all women, on a trip to Taiwan.

Georgeanna served as an example for her team. She has four children with one on the way. “If she can do it, we can do it,” was their motivation to push past the excuses.

All of the members of the team are married and have 14 kids between them.

For the team it was a chance to let go and trust God – in all aspects.

“Especially as moms and women, God wants to use us,” Georgeanna said. “We have to give up that control. Our kids will be OK.”

In fundraising, the team raised “$1,500-ish” more than required, plus extra for gifts for those they would be serving there.

“Fundraising was out of their comfort zone for many of the women,” Georgeanna said. “But God blew us away. We could never deny it was God.”

Georgeanna developed a heart for Taiwan through the adoption of their daughter, Emi, who has special needs. She became close with Summit church planters, Rob and Pam Riley, who helped navigate while in country. This set the stage for Georgeanna’s trip back.

Before the trip, the team met and prayed over logistics and travel fears. One member was particularly concerned about the 17-hour flight, never having flown before.

“We prayed over her, and she did it!” Georgeanna said.

While there, they led Bible studies and ministered to first-generation Christian girls, who had left their previous faith, building them up in their walks. They worked in an orphanage for HIV children, training workers in how to care for the babies. Another key part of the trip was encouraging the church planters, particularly Pam.

“Many think, ‘what can you do in a week?’” Georgeanna said. “We were privileged to see the fruit while we were there.”

Dispelling myths – fruit, indeed.

By Mary Moorefield