Stories Detail

Justin Gibbons

Jun 02, 2016

Meet Justin Gibbons!

Justin has been part of Summit Cary since he and his wife Kai helped launch the campus back in 2011. They have one little boy Jairus and Justin is currently part of the first impressions team at the 8:30 am service.

“Something most people might not know about me is that I used to play drums in a metalcore band, I have a twin sister and I run a strategy board game group that allows me to meet neighbors.

While attending Summit, I was challenged by seeing all of the stories of people who are intentionally stepping out to reach out to others in Jesus' name and for the gospel. This encouraged me to come up with an idea to meet people in my neighborhood using my hobbies; running and strategy board games. I started running with a friend, and now we eat dinner with his family every Sunday night. And I started a board game group that has allowed me to meet many neighbors and people in surrounding neighborhoods!”

Thanks for sharing Justin!

Photo: Sara Davis Photography